Arulmigu Masani Amman temple (அருள்மிகு மாசாணியம்மன் திருக்கோயில்), which is one of the prime pilgrimage places in Pollachi, also known as Anaimalai Masani Amman Temple is located at a distance of 15 km from Pollachi and 59 km from Coimbatore.

This temple is very unique among all the Amman temples in Tamil Nadu because it features the goddess deity Masani Amman in a lying/sleeping posture that covers 17 feet and has Asuran at her feet. Also, you can notice that Amman’s head is faced towards the east while her feet are directed to the west.

She has four hands-two on the ground and two raised over her head. The top two hands hold a skull and a snake, while the bottom two hands carry a drum and a trident.

Masani Amman

Masani Amman     Source: Wikipedia

I’ve been to this temple a couple of times with my mother, who enjoys worshipping. I was amazed by the ancient paintings and sculptures inside the temple. We both took a bus from Coimbatore to Pollachi, which took about 1.30 – 2 hours. We boarded a direct local town bus to the temple from the Pollachi bus stand.

My mother and I preferred the government town bus because it was more convenient, and I must mention that there are frequent buses to this temple at Pollachi town bus stand. The temple is accessible by both public and private vehicles, with a journey duration of 20-30 minutes from Pollachi and 2-3 hours from Coimbatore, depending on traffic.

We both arrived at the temple at 10.30 a.m. and purchased puja items from a nearby shop. I noticed that not only people from Tamilnadu visit this place but also people from Kerala and Andhra visit this place often like the people of Tamil Nadu. Masani Amman is also known as Masani Devi in India’s northern states.

People say that devotees pray Masani Amman for justice by grinding red Chillies and applying them to the Neethi Kal (Stone of Justice)/ Stone similar to Lingam inside the temple, and by doing so it is strongly believed that she punishes wrongdoers after a few weeks of praying. They also write their problems on a piece of paper that is worshipped at Amman’s feet. This makes her ‘Goddess of Justice’ and also been very popular for several years.

Masani Amman Temple

Neethi Kal           Source: Google

The temple is open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. On Ammavasai day, the temple will be open 24 hours. During the holidays, weekends, Tuesdays, and Fridays, the temple will be overcrowded. Devotees can stay in hotels, rooms, or homestays in Pollachi town or around the temple.

The very famous festivals celebrated are “Mayana Puja” during Maha Shivratri and “Kundam” during Thai (January) maasam. Aadi Perukku, Pongal, Tamil New Year, and Car/Chariot festival are some of the other well-known festivals.

The majority of the shops there will charge ridiculously high prices for puja materials, flower garlands, and other necessary items for praying in Amman. The sellers will try to get you to buy puja items by telling you stories about Amman.

My mother, being my mother, bought a few things based on the shopkeeper’s stories, but I suggest you ignore them fully or select what you want for the puja and have a pleasant visit.

Masani Amman Temple Facilities:

There are two types of entrance ticket counters, one with lower rates and the other with higher rates ranging from 10, 50, and 100 rupees. Since there is also a free queue/entrance to worship the god, you can choose which type of ticket you want to get. As we all know, with a higher-priced ticket, you can see Amman by going near the Karuvarai, but my mother and I decided to go in the regular line since there was no crowd during our visit. You need to purchase separate tickets for each type of puja/Archanai you perform.

Inside the temple, you can get Prasadam, which is sold at a minimal price.

Even though we went on public transport, I realized that there was a parking area available near the temple. You have to pay for the token while entering the parking lot. Wheelchair access, a restroom, drinking water, and the temple’s marriage hall are among the temple’s additional amenities.

How did Masani Amman Temple’s name originate?

Because the entire temple is built on a burial ground/cremation region, the locals called the Amman as Masani Amman, which led to the temple’s name of Masani Amman Temple.

Arulmigu Masani Amman Temple - Places near Winner Shooting Spot

Arulmigu Masani Amman Temple


Happy Visiting!!